Hi, I’m Corinna

I am a mother, a lifelong learner, a communication nerd, a student of the land, an adventurer of the heart and a relationship coach.

Born and raised in Michigan, I’m passionate about co-creating a ripple effect of sustainability that starts from the inside out in order to make the world a better place for the coming generations.


For so long I wanted to improve my emotional, physical and mental health and to do so I originally focused on habits like nutrition and movement. Eventually it became more clear that what I was actually seeking was to create a more connected, healthy and beautiful relational life.

I am now a Present-Centered Relationship Coach certified through The Relationship School. I help couples and individuals become more embodied so they can bring the best version of themselves to their life and to their relationships.

Together my hope is that we can bring back the art of relationship so that our families and our communities are better equipped to co-create more secure and more deeply connected relationships that inspire all areas of life.

Why not give a sweet yes to the life you believe in, and, all the while pay it forward to future generations?

Elevate Life by Elevating Relationship

Get in touch.

I’d love to hear from you if you have any comments or questions about coaching